Whether she is designing her distinctive Victoriana outfits or hosting her modern-day creative salon, Designer/party promoter Mei Hui Liu has become a prominent face on the local style scene. MyVillage stepped into her Fashion Street wonderland to find out what makes her tick.

MyVillage: When did you open the boutique and what was the push that actually got you started?
Mei Hui: I was working in Portobello for a year. I never even thought about opening a boutique because of all the pressure but when I found that there was a shop to rent in Fashion Street and my thought was that it would be great to have a first shop in Fashion Street. I thought this shop would be a great place to sell and show my own clothes and use the space as a gallery. I hold different events here for example I recent held the Sierek debut collection here. I like doing events on that tip. There's no plan really, I just do it.

MyVillage: There appears to be a number of influences in your designs. Who are your major style icons?
Mei Hui: It's all different people, like friends and travelling around the world. I wouldn't say a particular person or thing has been major icon in my work.

MyVillage: What designers, whether established or new, do you like?
Mei Hei: I've always liked Vivienne Westwood. I really like designers who have their own style and keep it not following the fashions Even after 10 years some of them may be doing the same stuff but it's still their own stuff. I even really like Romeo Gigli, he may not be selling well at the moment but for 20 years he has kept his own style. He may not have changed in all those years, but I still like his style.

MyVillage: What are your views on this year's London Fashion Week?
Mei Hei: Well…. London Fashion Week could always be better (laughs)

MyVillage: What are you plans for the future?
Mei Hui: I'll just see how things go. What I'm doing now is making all the stuff by myself they are just one off items this gives me the flexibility to stop and host my 'Secret Rendezvous' parties bringing together local designers, artists, musicians and photographers and show-casing their work. Everyone seems to think that putting on a show is difficult. It's not. People should just get up and do it.

Mei Hui Liu's designs can be found at Victim Boutique and Gallery, 49 Fashion Street, London E1
tel: 020 7377 1221
[email protected]